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Author:  MagicDip [ Fri Mar 01, 2019 3:23 pm ]
Post subject:  RENATO GAÚCHO 1983-1986

Name: Renato Portaluppi

Nickname: Renato Gaúcho


Country: :BRA: Brazil
Club: Grêmio
Position: WF , SS
Side: RF/RS
Age: 20-24 years (09/09/1962)

Height: 184 cm
Weight: 80 kg

Attack: 84
Defence: 30
Balance: 79
Stamina: 77
Top Speed: 83
Acceleration: 91
Response: 73
Agility: 86
Dribble Accuracy: 92
Dribble Speed: 86
Short Pass Accuracy: 79
Short Pass Speed: 74
Long Pass Accuracy: 80
Long Pass Speed: 73
Shot Accuracy: 78
Shot Power: 83
Shot Technique: 82
Free Kick Accuracy: 70
Curling: 78
Header: 67
Jump: 73
Technique: 87
Aggression: 92
Mentality: 66
Goalkeeper Skills: 50
Team Work: 64

Injury Tolerance: B
Condition: 4
Weak Foot Accuracy: 5
Weak Foot Frequency: 4
Consistency: 4
Growth type: Early/Peak

Free Kick Style: 7 | 8 | 10

P05 - Mazing Run
P09 - Incisive Run
S01 - Marauding
S07 - Shoulder Feint Skills
S13 - Step On Skills

SPECIAL ABILITIES: Dribbling - Reaction - Side

Attack/Defence Awareness Card: Attack Minded

Author:  Interista93 [ Sun Mar 03, 2019 8:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RENATO GAÚCHO 1983-1990 & 1992-1995

Honestly I wouldn't consider his season at Roma. You could assign the era 1983-1988 to the first set and 1989-1993 to the second.

Author:  lutchi65 [ Mon Mar 04, 2019 12:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RENATO GAÚCHO 1983-1990 & 1992-1995

Interista93 wrote:
Honestly I wouldn't consider his season at Roma. You could assign the era 1983-1988 to the first set and 1989-1993 to the second.

the tempodara in roma was bad, but she got there because he had a player in the flamengo depos, which he excelled, and in 1993 he did not have good participation in the clubs, in 95 yes, in flumimense, so the era was considerable for his performances , taking the year from Rome, I think it's good this way.

Author:  Interista93 [ Mon Mar 04, 2019 12:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RENATO GAÚCHO 1983-1990 & 1992-1995

lutchi65 wrote:
Interista93 wrote:
Honestly I wouldn't consider his season at Roma. You could assign the era 1983-1988 to the first set and 1989-1993 to the second.

the tempodara in roma was bad, but she got there because he had a player in the flamengo depos, which he excelled, and in 1993 he did not have good participation in the clubs, in 95 yes, in flumimense, so the era was considerable for his performances , taking the year from Rome, I think it's good this way.

Then 1983-1988 and 1989-1995 should be perfect but the season at Rome makes no sense to me here.

Author:  lutchi65 [ Mon Mar 04, 2019 4:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RENATO GAÚCHO 1983-1990 & 1992-1995

Interista93 wrote:
lutchi65 wrote:
Interista93 wrote:
Honestly I wouldn't consider his season at Roma. You could assign the era 1983-1988 to the first set and 1989-1993 to the second.

the tempodara in roma was bad, but she got there because he had a player in the flamengo depos, which he excelled, and in 1993 he did not have good participation in the clubs, in 95 yes, in flumimense, so the era was considerable for his performances , taking the year from Rome, I think it's good this way.

Then 1983-1988 and 1989-1995 should be perfect but the season at Rome makes no sense to me here.


Author:  lutchi65 [ Sun Mar 17, 2019 6:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RENATO GAÚCHO 1983-1986

I do not understand why delete my set's ... I wasted my time for nothing! :roll:

Author:  Interista93 [ Sun Mar 17, 2019 10:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RENATO GAÚCHO 1983-1986

lutchi65 wrote:
I do not understand why delete my set's ... I wasted my time for nothing! :roll:

Yeah, the second set would have been good at least for the 1989-90 season at Flamengo.

Author:  StuartBannigan [ Mon Mar 18, 2019 12:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RENATO GAÚCHO 1983-1986

Yeah I don't really see how it's fair to take over someone's set, not credit the person who originally created the stats, and then delete one of the sets.

Author:  artemds [ Mon Mar 18, 2019 3:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RENATO GAÚCHO 1983-1986

It common here, some of my sets were changed too.

Author:  Interista93 [ Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RENATO GAÚCHO 1983-1986

artemds wrote:
It common here, some of my sets were changed too.

Still not fair doing these things without neither talking about it first nor crediting the original maker.

Author:  lutchi65 [ Mon Mar 18, 2019 10:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RENATO GAÚCHO 1983-1986

Interista93 wrote:
artemds wrote:
It common here, some of my sets were changed too.

Still not fair doing these things without neither talking about it first nor crediting the original maker.

yes, and another, this set is not good, but its values ​​in JUMP and HEAD ???? he could never have low values, being that he had a big boost similar to or Cristiano Ronaldo, did not make many head goals by the team, but some by Flemish, but did many cycling among other goals in the air ... it's bad to miss time creating a set that is then deleted ... :roll:

Author:  pesman [ Mon Mar 18, 2019 4:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RENATO GAÚCHO 1983-1986

- Don't copy the stats from other forums

Author:  StuartBannigan [ Mon Mar 18, 2019 7:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RENATO GAÚCHO 1983-1986

pesman wrote:
- Don't copy the stats from other forums

Just because someone was accused of stealing stats before doesn’t make it ok to hijack other people’s sets without asking.

Author:  gurkenjoe93 [ Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RENATO GAÚCHO 1983-1986

StuartBannigan wrote:
pesman wrote:
- Don't copy the stats from other forums

Just because someone was accused of stealing stats before doesn’t make it ok to hijack other people’s sets without asking.

Those Gremio sets were obviously copied from MagicDip's forum, so I fail to see why it's "hijacking" when I put the original set here..
And most important: "Accused" of stealing? This guy copied various sets from PSD (Ipswich players, Poland players, etc) in the past, that's simply a fact. I'm shocked that you guys actually defend him :roll:

Author:  lutchi65 [ Mon Mar 18, 2019 9:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RENATO GAÚCHO 1983-1986

first that I never made player of that club, and the Polish players have never seen in any other forum, why is it copy? copy of something that does not exist? and what has the magicdip forum got to do with my sets from here? look at this set of him and mine, there is nothing like it, NOTHING, so I cope a set or two once, and I regretted it and I never did it again, you can change your argument there ... and it would be better to bring the players to this one forum, I do not know what else ... then someone creates the players, with extremely different grades, is already accused of copying ... what a boring thing!

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